canteen's blog

Replacing reddit


What's the thing

I think we all know what it is. A big link aggregator. We use it to figure out what to buy sometimes, or to figure out what's good or fun in game land. No time to check out every single thing that's published, and using such a forum is how to farm that out to multiple people.

What's the issue

It's gone to shit. They have this whole thing going where they need to get more money and the whole corporation has over the past while slowly been turning into one of those monstrosities that eats dreams and regurgitates dollars. Everything it touches becomes a little worse. It is time to leave.

What now?

I've looked at, which seems to be not so bad. It's paid! Perhaps this is good, but even 2seemstobetobealargeamountofmoneyifyouarefromacountrywherethepolicecanbeexpectedtomake210 per year. This is something that really needs to be figured out.

That said, the premise is attractive and I think the whole money angle is at least worth a cursory glance. Everyone is there providing stuff to each other that they like, so it makes sense part of their money follows that interaction. And it's not built upon a big cryptowealth thing, which we don't necessarily hate except that it's a space that is full of just some really weird far-right people I don't think anyone needs to interact with by accident. It is not safe.


I'm still looking around. Perhaps something better exists somewhere? It is hard to find these things.
